
Our Mission

The mission of Bunceton Mutual Insurance Company is to provide insurance protection for the owners of farms, homes, and personal property in the state of Missouri for a reasonable cost while maintaining local control of the policyholders' funds. This was the purpose for the founding of the company in 1896 and continues to be our goal for the future. Bunceton Mutual has been in continuous service to its policyholders for 128 years. 


Kimberly Beach 

Company Manager

kbeach@buncetonmutualinsurance.com 660-427-5521 ext. 10

Brenda Arnold

Company Manager Assistant

barnold@buncetonmutualinsurance.com 660-427-5521 ext. 11

Board of Directors

Kirt Lewis

Board President

Ronnie Felten

Board Vice President

Kimberly Beach

Board Secretary/Treasurer

John Schibi

Board Member

DeLane Snyder

Board Member

James Young

Board Member

Our History

December 23, 1895

A meeting was held at Cramer's Hall in Bunceton, MO to organize a farmer's fire insurance company.

January 17, 1896

A large number of the farmers from the Cooper County area met in the Bunceton Eagle office to perfect the insurance organization for the benefit of the farmers of Cooper County. After all the preliminary arrangements were completed, the constitution for the above-mentioned organization was drafted and read. Several clauses were changed, several struck out and several inserted.

January 25, 1896

The Company started out with 64 members. Thirty-two farmers signed the Articles of Incorporation. This new Company would be called Cooper County Farmers Mutual Fire Insurance Company.

February 4, 1896

The Company received its charter. For the first 64 years of operation, Cooper County Farmers Mutual Fire Insurance Company rented office space in other businesses' buildings.


Cooper County Farmers Mutual Fire Insurance Company purchased a small brick building on Elm Street.


As the company grew, there was a need for more space. The company built a new building located at 100 East Main in Bunceton, MO.

June 1971

Members voted to change the name of Cooper County Farmers Mutual Fire Insurance Company to Bunceton Mutual Insurance Company.


With over 1,000 policies, Bunceton Mutual Insurance company goes online in order to better serve their current members and continue to grow the company.


Bunceton Mutual Insurance celebrated 125 years with over 1,400 policies.